mark nottingham

iPod update

Wednesday, 10 September 2003

Our problems continue.

We took advantage of the $39.90 restocking fee to upgrade to the new 20G iPod; no difference at all in the battery behaviour (although the circle pad has a different design, IMHO spiffier; A doesn’t like it so much). Strike one.

Another attempt was to power the eMac’s FireWire bus while it’s asleep by connecting the iPod power adapter to the other FireWire port on the eMac, courtesy of a normal, 6-to-6 FireWire cable ($19 at the Apple Store). In theory, this should act like a powered FireWire hub; as long as the ports on the eMac are on the same bus, it should power the iPod. However, for whatever reason we had no luck; strike two.

So, it looks like the original plan is the only option left - getting a $50+ FireWire hub to keep the thing charged.