mark nottingham


Sunday, 9 November 2003

I’ve done some adjustment to this Web log; you may or may not notice the differences. Most of is is cosmetic and tightening up of the templates, but I’ve also changed the URI layout (thanks, Mark), and as a result RSS aggregators may act strangely before they settle down. Or not; mine, Shrook - a very fine aggregator for OSX indeed - doesn’t get tripped up.

P.S. The old archive pages (which were laid out according to MT’s default, in the /archives/ directory) redirect to the new ones. For a few minutes I had a Moveable Type template that used a META refresh to go to the new one; after finding that too unspeakably ugly for words, I came up with this (some spaces added to make it sane):

<MTArchiveList> <MTEntries> Redirect permanent /blog/archives/<$MTEntryID pad=”1”$>.html<$ MTArchiveDate format=”%Y/%m/%d”$>/<MTIfEmpty var=”EntryKeywords”><$MTEntryTitle dirify=”1”$></MTIfEmpty><MTIfNotEmpty var=”EntryKeywords”><$ MTEntryKeywords $></MTIfNotEmpty> </MTEntries> </MTArchiveList>

which writes to archives/.htaccess. Please tell me if you have any problems.

P.P.S. it was somewhat tempting to take “/blog” out of most of the URIs here, especially for individual entries. I think I’ll leave it there for now, because it enforces a delineation between the content managed by MT and that which I manually edit. This is interesting because doing so is useful to me, not to you, but it’s evident in the URIs that I expose to you; if we had better Web metadata tools to describe the URI space and map content as well as permissions to it, this probably wouldn’t be necessary.

One Comment


MY Name is Virginia and I’m In Alaska

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Saturday, June 5 2004 at 12:03 PM